Friday, May 13, 2011

What inspires you?

A few weeks ago I asked my friends “what inspires you?” and got some colourful answers that I’d like to share. I asked the question because I was feeling down, and I was looking for inspiration. I got some great answers from my friends, and I realized that people are what inspire me. I know there are individuals who get a kick out of being unkind, or by spreading hate, but there is a much stronger universe of people who recognize that we are stronger together, who find passion and happiness in helping, supporting and being kind. I surround myself in these people and am one myself.

I think an important aspect of happiness is identifying the things that inspire you. I’m most inspired by the kindness of my fellow people. And I’m inspired by being alive. I am grateful for the breath I take, for the feeling in my body, and the freedom I have to choose where I’m going. Life is so fleeting. It’s so precious and each and every one of us is truly lucky to be alive. We all leave here. Eventually everyone that can remember us will also leave here. We have no staying power whatsoever and that means that what matters is today. The impact we have on other people, and how we feel today are what matters.

I am inspired by my own mortality. Knowing that our time is limited and that this is our only shot to do whatever it is we are here to do makes me want to do meaningful and powerful things. When I think about what kind of mark I want to leave on this planet, I want my mark to be happiness. I want people to have felt happiness, strength, courage and freedom because I existed, and smiled at them, or because I did something kind, or said something that connected for someone that allowed them to understand that they are not alone. Our mortality is the ultimate shared experience, and it inspires me to bring happiness into the world, through acceptance, relating, and sharing. It inspires me to be the type of person that inspires me.
Today is where each of us exist, and how we feel today matters. So relish in today and be appreciative for today. Be thankful for your body and your breath and that today is ours. Share that feeling with someone, so they too can be inspired by today and be inspired by their own mortality.

Leave a comment below about what inspires you. Tomorrow will be the first installment of “Fav Fridays” where I post up and discuss some of my favorite comments from followers from Facebook, Twitter, and on the blog. Find a way to follow, and I look forward to you getting in on the conversation.

KR Munro

Note: something happened on Blogger and the post on perfection disappeared. I'll try and get it back up for you! :)


  1. Writing inspires me because this past, as I discovered my passion for writing, it's given me a freedom from these four walls during my time of unemployment. It kept me sane.
    My sons and grandsons inspire me. And they consistently amaze me.
    And like you, people inspire me. You included! Glad to have found this special, uplifting place to visit. Thanks for sharing!

  2. The natural world inspires me! On the surface she seems simplistic enough but up close when she is the most complicated thing in the universe, with all her vital conections to EVERY living thing and non-living thing within her. Balance is her greatest achievement! We strive to be like her, to be better then her, but we will fail over and over again. Nature is something that cannot be copied, I don't think its suppose to be. She should be loved, and respected by all. After all we are connected to her, a part of her, a part of the balance!

    Life inpsires me!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for this, Kell. I'm feeling very disconnected and tapped out lately. But I realized a little while ago that I thrive on connectedness. It's one of my strengths (StrengthsFinder 2.0). I had never been able to identify it concretely until last week. I've said since I started my blog that my purpose is to connect hearts and minds, but I hadn't really identified that as my strength.

    Anyway... I think the downside of being connection-focused is falling into the trap of depending on others to feel good. I also try to surround myself with people who are present, inspiring, kind, etc.

    But what do you do when you choose to spend your time with someone because of other amazing traits, but who finds it difficult to be present in the moment and joyful in their day-to-day surroundings? I ask this as one connection-inspired being to another.

    Part of me says, "Be the most inspired You that you can be and others will follow." But I'm not much of a leader. It's not really in my talent set. And at that point, aren't I really trying to inspire others so they'll inspire me? Isn't that more work than reward? Is it even possible? Is it selfish? How does a "connections person" create inherent, independent happiness?

    I have lots of thoughts on this, so a lot of my questions are rhetorical. But I'd love to get your thoughts! ~Chris

  5. Hey Chris..

    I think I understand where you're coming from.

    You thrive on the positive energy and feelings of connectedness of other people. But you find while you thrive on that connectedness, you miss it when it's not in the forefront in your life.

    You are also invested in a connection with someone who is not giving you the positive energy and connection you thrive on.

    I see your comment about not being sure about leading the inspiration train.

    I think real happiness comes from within and relying on others to create it will leave you in a vulnerable position. And that puts expectations on the people around you to be responsible for how you're feeling.

    Become the type of person that inspires you and that you want to be around. Imagine that perfect friend that would give you the energy that you crave and need. He's got that great attitude about life, doesn't he? He is a person who can do anything he sets his mind to. He is strong, and positive, and a great friend to others. He lifts people up instead of putting them down, and doing so gives him that radiant strength you admire so much. He's feels warm and strong and comforting. Imagine those feelings emanating from yourself. Picture yourself with those strong qualities. See how strong you are, and how much that positive energy is flowing through you.

    Create yourself in the image of that wonderful, strong, lifting person. You may not feel like you have the strength, but every thought and action are the result of a choice. You can choose to be down, and you can choose to be up.

    We are who we believe we are.

    I see this strength in you already Chris, so I know you have it in you. Being this person creates that draw others want to be around.

    They will be drawn to to this vibrant person because they feel that lift around him as you would. The connectedness you create by being this lifting, vibrant person will be mutually beneficial because your strength will come from within you and there will be no need or draw of energy from anyone else. In that way you can baske in the connectedness, and create it around you without expecting it or needing it from those in your life.

  6. I absolutely agree that happiness comes from within. I just find it difficult to generate that happiness when I'm feeling disconnected from others. It's not necessarily that I need others to tell me how to feel; more that I need to connect with others to feel energized.

    I have gone stretches of time feeling how you described. Being the person who inspires me: strong, positive, a great friend, lifting others up, radiating joy... And when I feel that way, it's like nothing can stop me. Without trying to sound grandiose, it's almost like gaining super powers. But not with a sense of superiority by any means, more a sense of being at peace and one with everyone and everything, like I'm floating along effortlessly... I see more. Feel more. I can almost slow down time. I see people for who they are, beyond the screen they hide behind.

    The tricky part is finding/manufacturing the inspiration to create that image of myself and get into that head/heart space. But when I'm there, I feel connected to others, and I can feel their energy being drawn to mine. Does that sound weird?

    Conversations like this totally help! I get pumped talking about expanding my energy and making connections with others.

    Thanks. :) Sorry if it's a little disjunctive. That's just where I am right now.

  7. Hi Chris!

    Just keep pushing through to that vibrant person inside you, Chris. No one else can sustain that happiness for you. Sustainable happiness (the kind that doesn't wax and wane) comes from happiness within yourself instead of an external source. When you find within you the source of your happiness, it will be yours forever.
