Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am thankful.

I haven’t written in ages, and to be honest it is because I have had a lot going on in these last few weeks and just haven’t been able to write. Chris of “From the bungalow” suggested that I write about things I appreciate and am grateful for. So here goes:

I am thankful for optimism. Optimism allows me to see that losing my job was a blessing. Optimism shows me that being laid off is an opportunity to get new training and start a new career path doing something better. Optimism allows me to see that change can be positive.

I am thankful for courage. Courage allows me to take a chance, to lift my foot in a step towards a new career path. Courage lets me move beyond the fear of change into action. Courage gives me the freedom to create a new and better future.

I am thankful for my family, who let me know that I will always have a roof over my head, food to eat, and our basic needs met, even if we’re all broke and have so little to offer. I am thankful for my family who let me know I am safe, even if I fail.

I am thankful for my heart. My heart jumps in and loves freely, trusts until given reason not to, and loves with such intensity that it sometimes feels like it’ll kill me. I am thankful for my big, open, giving heart; my heart that is willing to risk being hurt, that gives others the benefit of the doubt, and still believes in love.

I am thankful for my strength. Strength allows me to recognize when a relationship is not healthy. Strength gives me the power to let go of love when that love is toxic. I am thankful for the strength to create healthy boundaries in my life, and to know that I am okay on my own. I am thankful for the strength to walk away, and expect better.

I am thankful for my friendships. I am thankful for the friends I have who will put on the tea kettle, or will meet me at the beach, and sit with me and listen to me and hear out my thoughts. I am thankful for my friends who allow me to speak about my concerns, my fears, and my dreams and then affirm me for all of it and allow me to follow whatever path feels right, without judging me.

I am thankful for the friends who will hold up a mirror and remind me of who I am, even after I’ve forgotten. Those friends who will pick me up and put me on my feet and show me that it is still a beautiful day. I am thankful for friends who show me how wonderful I am, that will love me forever, and will always be on my side, even if I am wrong. I am thankful for my forever friends, for demonstrating what real love looks like.

I am thankful for my son. My son allows me to see that day-to-day life doesn’t stop. My son shows me that no matter how I feel, I need to get out of bed, get dressed, and get moving. My son reminds me to live in the moment, and see each moment as the gift it really is. My son shows me that I am strong, and that I can do anything.

I am thankful for you, my community of adventurers. I am thankful for the space we have created to be positive, supportive and supported. I am thankful that even when I can’t write, you stick around. I am thankful for every twitter reply, Facebook comment, and question you ask me. I am thankful that you talk amongst yourselves in the comments sometimes. I am thankful that our community is so diverse. I am thankful for every man, woman, and otherwise individual who is reading this. I am thankful each time you share an article that moves you. I am thankful for every new “like” on Facebook. I am thankful to be reaching you, and more so thankful that you reach back.

I am thankful for my life. It is beautiful, and filled with so much love and support.


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