Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We are SILLY!

I am a very silly person. Today’s post is all about being SILLY.

Ethan and I play this game called “Fake laughing”, where we take turns making up a ridiculous sounding laugh – like an official business manager “hum hum hum”, or like a redneck “hyuck hyuck hyuck”. Or like a walrus “ooor ooor ooor”, doing our best to make the laugh sound genuine. Back and forth we go, coming up with as many ridiculous laughs as we can, trying to out laugh each other.

The game ends when neither of us can breathe and our sides hurt from laughing so hard.

In a world with so much stress, a little silliness goes a long way. It is one of the ways we connect and it evens out the playing field between us.

How do you and yours embrace the silly? Leave a comment describing a silly game you play!


  1. I live in a state of eternal silly. hehe

  2. Miranda and I read stories in funny voices and accents. We frequently sing the story as well, taking turns trying to out do the other! Since she is the third kid, it makes the same old stories a little more interesting!

  3. zac and i frequently have tickle wars :)
