Sunday, May 22, 2011

The strength in sitting alone

I was alone, in a room full of people. My son was at his dads. I was waiting for the hockey game to start at a local pub. I was sitting at the bar, alone and I just started to type. People were sitting nearby and chatting. Earlier that day, I had turned down the offer to watch the game with family to sit at the pub alone.

Whether you are single or coupled, you should try it. Take yourself into an environment where there will be lots of strangers, or nearly no one, and just sit. Be comfortable with yourself. Take in your surroundings. Buy yourself dinner, and unashamedly be in the moment with yourself.

Going out alone is unnerving if you’ve never done it, but it’s worth getting used to. It can be intimidating, so recognize that feeling if you have it, and just be. Be in the moment. You are okay whether you are surrounded by your friends or are alone. Going somewhere alone is an interesting exploration. For me it involves being really honest with myself because sitting alone is a little uncomfortable. I feel a little bit vulnerable, and yet I’m opening myself to the world. We are more visible without our friends to hide behind.

The opportunity to interact with new people is tenfold when you go out on your own. Within half an hour of sitting alone, I was ushered into a crowd of new friends. The conversation started at the bar and then as more and more people joined it, moved to a table. I had a great time and made some new friends.

Going somewhere alone is an opportunity to be socially closed or socially open. I chose to sit at the bar, where interactions with strangers are almost inevitable. What happens when you’re sitting alone depends on where you sit. Sitting at the counter or the bar gives you opportunity to be included in conversations, because most folks at the counter are doing the exact same thing. Sitting in a table by yourself gives you opportunity for solo introspection and people watching.

There is strength in being comfortable in your own skin, being visible to the world and okay with it. There is power in allowing that vulnerability into your life without acting to decrease it or remove it. It is an exercise in being comfortable with yourself and being your own real friend. We wander around seeking input and validation from others all day long. We can read it in facial expressions, social interactions and pauses, but often forget that the most potent validation is self-validation.

Take time to see yourself as a friend. Take time to be honest with yourself about who you are. Take time to appreciate yourself because there is strength in self love. Going somewhere alone is an exercise in self-friendship. It can stretch your comfort zone and open you up to new opportunities and self-reflection.

Many of us are dependent on others for happiness, strength and courage. Let yourself out of those confines and sit by yourself. Get to know yourself and learn to enjoy your own company and you will discover happiness that comes from within. You will find strength in yourself that can’t be given by anyone else.

Give it a try, and let me know how it goes.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We are SILLY!

I am a very silly person. Today’s post is all about being SILLY.

Ethan and I play this game called “Fake laughing”, where we take turns making up a ridiculous sounding laugh – like an official business manager “hum hum hum”, or like a redneck “hyuck hyuck hyuck”. Or like a walrus “ooor ooor ooor”, doing our best to make the laugh sound genuine. Back and forth we go, coming up with as many ridiculous laughs as we can, trying to out laugh each other.

The game ends when neither of us can breathe and our sides hurt from laughing so hard.

In a world with so much stress, a little silliness goes a long way. It is one of the ways we connect and it evens out the playing field between us.

How do you and yours embrace the silly? Leave a comment describing a silly game you play!

Friday, May 13, 2011

What inspires you?

A few weeks ago I asked my friends “what inspires you?” and got some colourful answers that I’d like to share. I asked the question because I was feeling down, and I was looking for inspiration. I got some great answers from my friends, and I realized that people are what inspire me. I know there are individuals who get a kick out of being unkind, or by spreading hate, but there is a much stronger universe of people who recognize that we are stronger together, who find passion and happiness in helping, supporting and being kind. I surround myself in these people and am one myself.

I think an important aspect of happiness is identifying the things that inspire you. I’m most inspired by the kindness of my fellow people. And I’m inspired by being alive. I am grateful for the breath I take, for the feeling in my body, and the freedom I have to choose where I’m going. Life is so fleeting. It’s so precious and each and every one of us is truly lucky to be alive. We all leave here. Eventually everyone that can remember us will also leave here. We have no staying power whatsoever and that means that what matters is today. The impact we have on other people, and how we feel today are what matters.

I am inspired by my own mortality. Knowing that our time is limited and that this is our only shot to do whatever it is we are here to do makes me want to do meaningful and powerful things. When I think about what kind of mark I want to leave on this planet, I want my mark to be happiness. I want people to have felt happiness, strength, courage and freedom because I existed, and smiled at them, or because I did something kind, or said something that connected for someone that allowed them to understand that they are not alone. Our mortality is the ultimate shared experience, and it inspires me to bring happiness into the world, through acceptance, relating, and sharing. It inspires me to be the type of person that inspires me.
Today is where each of us exist, and how we feel today matters. So relish in today and be appreciative for today. Be thankful for your body and your breath and that today is ours. Share that feeling with someone, so they too can be inspired by today and be inspired by their own mortality.

Leave a comment below about what inspires you. Tomorrow will be the first installment of “Fav Fridays” where I post up and discuss some of my favorite comments from followers from Facebook, Twitter, and on the blog. Find a way to follow, and I look forward to you getting in on the conversation.

KR Munro

Note: something happened on Blogger and the post on perfection disappeared. I'll try and get it back up for you! :)