Friday, July 8, 2011

Pay it Forward!

So I had the good pleasure to be listed in Dad vs Autism's post called "Pay it Forward", where he listed 5 bloggers that are important to him. And he said some really wonderful things about us here at SLMother! This was well timed praise.

The idea behind "Pay it Forward Friday" is that I now take a turn to return the favor, telling all of you about the blogs that have influenced me, helped me, or made me laugh. I want to showcase to you my blogging friends who have helped me and guided me and supported me as I've been growing. These are good people. And they also write.

So first, I will tell you about Dad vs Autism, who nominated me. Here is one of his posts that I liked a lot. He often comments and supports and relates to my blog, which makes me feel good. He talks about life, and getting by, and what it is really like to parent a kid with Autism. And he's a nice person. And he has been struggling to build a tree house for like a billion zillion years (see story here)

Next, I'd like to showcase From the Bungalow.
This post ( an open letter to my kids on Father's day) made me cry. Chris is also a very nice person. He has encouraged me, sent people to my blog, and been my friend. He has left me wonderful comments and given me advice. He is good. He and his partner Karin are sweet and kind and human and they struggle just like the rest of us. It's a breath of fresh air.

Next, I want to introduce you to Daddy Knows Less. He too has encouraged me, supported me, and been a kind human being. These are amazing people, all of them! I found a community amongst these daddy blogs. They are supporting each other and they just accepted me amongst their folds. I feel grateful and appreciative. Daddy knows less often writes beautiful pieces like this one called "My one and only you". It is clear that his love for his wife is a giant sun in his solar system. It's freaking beautiful. We should all be so lucky. Go follow him!

I feel lucky to be blogging alongside these gentlemen. Thanks for reading their stuff, and supporting them, because they have really helped me feel like I am a part of a community of bloggers. SURE they're Dads, and SURE I'm a mom.. And YEAH they're straight and I'm crooked.. But we blog and we support each other and share each other's work. And it's nice. So I want to say THANK YOU to these fine folks.

And I am also running around being quite busy this morning, and would have liked to take more time to thank the REST of you, for supporting me, sharing my work, and being there for you. You have all been really wonderful, and I so very much appreciate it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Sincerely, and with immense gratitude,

KR Munro


  1. Thanks for including me and for your kind words. Next time my wife and I have a Disagreement, I will be sure to reference your "we should all be so lucky" line. Thanks!

  2. @Daddy knows less hahaah thats hilarious. I don't know how well that'll go, but give it a try!! :)

  3. Kelly, this is a wonderful blog and I am so happy that you have found joy and happiness in your community of bloggers. I enjoy reading your blogs and am going to create a memory book for myself as I always find them uplifting. Your writing helps me through, your positive attitude in all your writings, that you never limit yourself to stay in one community or world, although I know that you need and want to be a part of a community and I believe you have found that here and are finding more. Your light shines on and for all of us in all walks of life, lesbian, gay,straight,regardless of race, creed or color. You are an awesome person, Kelly. With love, Auntie Shannon
    I wish I could figure out how not to be anonymous.

  4. Awww thanks Auntie! Your comment is very sweet. I think a memory book is a great idea! I'm glad it reaches you and helps you. That's what I'm writing for. Thanks for believing in me and encouraging me. You're a total sweetheart. Lots of love to you, Auntie. <3
    ps. if you don't want to be annonymous you need to have an email address from the other options on the list.
