Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I need your advice on this!

Hi Adventurers!

So I found out yesterday that I'm being laid off of work. I have 2 weeks left and then I'm on my own. I am very confident that I will turn this into a myriad of incredible opportunities. And part of that confidence comes from being a planner. As a mom, and sole supporter of my son (when he's at my house, at least) it's important for me to have stability. So I'm exploring the options available to me right now. I will qualify for unemployment insurance, so I will not become destitute entirely, but I need to find ways to make a few dollars while I look for a new job or explore further education. Decisions, decisions.

So I want your opinion on monetizing this blog. I was approached a few weeks ago by an organization called "Social Moms", who want me to direct traffic to their site for a dollar per click, up to a maximum of, like 50 dollars or something. Do you guys consider this "selling out" or are you happy to click a link and see where it goes?

When this offer was first proposed, I didn't really consider it because I didn't need the money (much) and didn't want to change anything about the blog. So, I'd like your opinions on the subject. Will any of you unsubscribe if I have a link on the side of the blog? Will any of you actually click it?

Here is the description for the link:
SocialMoms is a network of moms who are active in social media. We bring our members opportunities to grow their personal brands and showcase their expertise through sponsorships, media opportunities, advertising programs and networking activities. The company's staff is dedicated to bringing its members high-integrity opportunities to engage with each other, media outlets, and the world's leading brands.

(So this means people who blog, or have networking abilities can share and take part in things like what I'm doing here. It's about marketing, and reaching audiences)

And here is the link: Social Moms Social Media Toolkit

I'll post the link somewhere on the left, and leave it there. If you hate it, leave a comment and I'll know how you feel. If you are in support, also comment, and/click it and I'll follow the consensus.

Also, advice on how to deal with being laid off? Tell me your stories!




  1. I don't mind links like that as long as I understand which ones you are getting paid for and which ones you are not. Also, as long as your list does not expand to some ridiculous amount of ads that take over the main blog page, then I don't find them intrusive of the content I come here for.

    Good luck on the search for new income <3

  2. Thanks Kristy! That's what I'm hearing so far. You guys are far easier on me than I am on me! :) I will avoid intrusive ads. Just wanted to try this out, because when I think about the best job in the world, it would be to do THIS every day. To write and blog and share thoughts. And what the heck, gotta follow the dream, right? just gotta take the first step. :)
